Above – At SIC, Helsinki
Fuxing TV writers...like I don't know if they don't get it...that there are...those of us who become...retardedly attached to people...characters...but when you end a show...you don't have to kill everybody...ok...I mean...like that was just fuxing harsh man...I'm not gonna say which show because I already told one person and I feel bad for spoiling it for them...but...God...damn...just...like...TV...
writers...suck...like I know it's ridiculous that I'm crying this much over a fictional character's death on a TV show...but I started crying...like...fuxing A man...it's like when...um...Cut-Throat Bitch dies...Amber on House dies...I don't even...we didn't like her and I cried like a baby....you know and a similar thing is what happened to Zack on Bones...I cried like a baby then too...and I cry at books...hell I've cried at commercials...I cry thinking about strangers dying that I've never met...like I'm a crazy person...ok...but for fux sake like really?...you didn't have to kill him...I mean come on man...so anyway I just had to yell at something...I can't even breathe...fuxing A man...anyway that's all...bye